Source code for

from typing import Dict, Optional, Union, List, Set, TypeVar
from bidict import bidict


[docs]class Vocabulary(object): """ Parameters ---------- counters : ``Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]``, optional (default= ``dict()`` ) Element statistics for datasets. min_count : ``Dict[str, int]``, optional (default= ``dict()`` ) Defines the minimum number of occurrences when some counter are converted to vocabulary. pretrained_vocab : ``Dict[str, List[str]]``, optional (default= ``dict()`` External pre-trained vocabulary. intersection_vocab : ``Dict[str, str]``, optional (default= ``dict()`` ) Defines the intersection with which vocabulary takes, when loading some oversized pre-trained vocabulary. no_pad_namespace : ``Set[str]``, optional (default= ``set()`` ) Defines which vocabularies do not have `pad` token. no_unk_namespace : ``Set[str]``, optional (default= ``set()`` ) Defines which vocabularies do not have `oov` token. """ def __init__(self, counters: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = dict(), min_count: Dict[str, int] = dict(), pretrained_vocab: Dict[str, List[str]] = dict(), intersection_vocab: Dict[str, str] = dict(), no_pad_namespace: Set[str] = set(), no_unk_namespace: Set[str] = set()): self._PAD_token = DEFAULT_PAD_TOKEN self._UNK_token = DEFAULT_UNK_TOKEN self.min_count = min_count self.intersection_vocab = intersection_vocab self.no_unk_namespace = no_unk_namespace self.no_pad_namespace = no_pad_namespace self.vocab_cnt = {} self.vocab = {} for vocab_name, counter in dict(counters, **pretrained_vocab).items(): self.vocab[vocab_name] = bidict() cnt = 0 # Handle unknown token if vocab_name not in no_unk_namespace: self.vocab[vocab_name][self._UNK_token] = cnt cnt += 1 # Handle padding token if vocab_name not in no_pad_namespace: self.vocab[vocab_name][self._PAD_token] = cnt cnt += 1 # Build Vocabulary from Dataset Counter if isinstance(counter, dict): minn = (min_count[vocab_name] if min_count and vocab_name in min_count else 0) for key, value in counter.items(): if value >= minn: self.vocab[vocab_name][key] = cnt cnt += 1 # Build Vocabulary from Pretrained Vocabulary List elif isinstance(counter, list): is_intersection = vocab_name in intersection_vocab target_vocab = (self.vocab[intersection_vocab[vocab_name]] if is_intersection else {}) for key in counter: if not is_intersection or key in target_vocab: self.vocab[vocab_name][key] = cnt cnt += 1 self.vocab_cnt[vocab_name] = cnt
[docs] def extend_from_pretrained_vocab( self, pretrained_vocab: Dict[str, List[str]], intersection_vocab: Dict[str, str] = dict(), no_pad_namespace: Set[str] = set(), no_unk_namespace: Set[str] = set()) -> None: """ Extend the vocabulary from the pre-trained vocabulary after defining the vocabulary. Parameters ---------- pretrained_vocab : ``Dict[str, List[str]]`` External pre-trained vocabulary. intersection_vocab : ``Dict[str, str]``, optional (default= ``dict()`` ) Defines the intersection with which vocabulary takes, when loading some oversized pre-trained vocabulary. no_pad_namespace : ``Set[str]``, optional (default= ``set()`` ) Defines which vocabularies do not have `pad` token. no_unk_namespace : ``Set[str]``, optional (default= ``set()`` ) Defines which vocabularies do not have `oov` token. """ self.no_unk_namespace.update(no_unk_namespace) self.no_pad_namespace.update(no_pad_namespace) self.intersection_vocab.update(intersection_vocab) for vocab_name, counter in pretrained_vocab.items(): print(vocab_name) self.vocab[vocab_name] = bidict() cnt = 0 # Handle unknown token if not no_unk_namespace and vocab_name not in no_unk_namespace: self.vocab[vocab_name][self._UNK_token] = cnt cnt += 1 # Handle padding token if not no_pad_namespace and vocab_name not in no_pad_namespace: self.vocab[vocab_name][self._PAD_token] = cnt cnt += 1 # Build Vocabulary from Pretrained Vocabulary List is_intersection = vocab_name in intersection_vocab target_vocab = (self.vocab[intersection_vocab[vocab_name]] if is_intersection else {}) for key in counter: if not is_intersection or key in target_vocab: self.vocab[vocab_name][key] = cnt cnt += 1 self.vocab_cnt[vocab_name] = cnt
[docs] def extend_from_counter( self, counters: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]], min_count: Union[int, Dict[str, int]] = dict(), no_pad_namespace: Set[str] = set(), no_unk_namespace: Set[str] = set()) -> None: """ Extend the vocabulary from the dataset statistic counters after defining the vocabulary. Parameters ---------- counters : ``Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]`` Element statistics for datasets. min_count : ``Dict[str, int]``, optional (default= ``dict()`` ) Defines the minimum number of occurrences when some counter are converted to vocabulary. no_pad_namespace : ``Set[str]``, optional (default= ``set()`` ) Defines which vocabularies do not have `pad` token. no_unk_namespace : ``Set[str]``, optional (default= ``set()`` ) Defines which vocabularies do not have `oov` token. """ self.no_unk_namespace.update(no_unk_namespace) self.no_pad_namespace.update(no_pad_namespace) self.min_count.update(min_count) for vocab_name, counter in counters.items(): self.vocab[vocab_name] = bidict() cnt = 0 # Handle unknown token if not no_unk_namespace and vocab_name not in no_unk_namespace: self.vocab[vocab_name][self._UNK_token] = cnt cnt += 1 # Handle padding token if not no_pad_namespace and vocab_name not in no_pad_namespace: self.vocab[vocab_name][self._PAD_token] = cnt cnt += 1 # Build Vocabulary from Dataset Counter minn = (min_count[vocab_name] if min_count and vocab_name in min_count else 0) for key, value in counter.items(): if value >= minn: self.vocab[vocab_name][key] = cnt cnt += 1 self.vocab_cnt[vocab_name] = cnt
[docs] def add_token_to_namespace(self, token: str, namespace: str) -> None: """ Extend the vocabulary by add token to vocabulary namespace. Parameters ---------- token : ``str`` The token that needs to be added. namespace : ``str`` Which vocabulary needs to be added to. """ self.vocab[namespace][token] = self.vocab_cnt[namespace] self.vocab_cnt[namespace] += 1
[docs] def get_token_index(self, token: str, vocab_name: str) -> int: """ Gets the index of a token in the vocabulary. Parameters ---------- token : ``str`` Gets the index of which token. namespace : ``str`` Which vocabulary this token belongs to. Returns ------- Index : ``int`` """ if token in self.vocab[vocab_name]: return self.vocab[vocab_name][token] elif vocab_name not in self.no_unk_namespace: return self.vocab[vocab_name][self._UNK_token] else: raise RuntimeError( 'Try to get a OOV token (%s)\'s index from a no unknown token ' 'vocabulary (%s)' % (token, vocab_name))
[docs] def get_token_from_index(self, index: int, vocab_name: str) -> str: """ Gets the token of a index in the vocabulary. Parameters ---------- index : ``int`` Gets the token of which index. namespace : ``str`` Which vocabulary this index belongs to. Returns ------- Token : ``str`` """ if index < self.vocab_cnt[vocab_name]: return self.vocab[vocab_name].inv[index] else: raise RuntimeError( 'Index (%d) out of vocabulary (%s) range' % (index, vocab_name))
[docs] def get_vocab_size(self, namespace: str) -> int: """ Gets the size of a vocabulary. Parameters ---------- namespace : ``str`` Which vocabulary. Returns ------- Vocabulary size : ``int`` """ return self.vocab[vocab_name]